Sven Joachim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Package: emacs-goodies-el
> Version: 26.3-1
> Severity: serious
> It seems to me that some Emacs Lisp packages in emacs-goodies-el are
> only of any use if non-free software is installed on the system,
> namely: maplev.el needs Maple, matlab.el needs Matlab and tcl.el needs
> the Target Language Compiler (whatever that is, but it is certainly
> not part of Debian).  Therefore, these files belong in the "contrib"
> section of Debian (see section 2.2.2 of the Policy Manual) and must
> not go into a package in the main section.  Please remove them from
> emacs-goodies-el and make a separate package of them for the contrib
> section.
I disagree with this interpretation.  I certainly didn't think of it
that way when I packaged them.

While matlab and maple are certainly non-free software, the elisp files
don't support these software directly.  The elisp files are to help
write scripts which can be under any license, including free ones.
I don't even have matlab in my system but can read .m files more easily
with matlab-mode.

If you still disagree, I guess we can ask debian-devel or debian-policy.

Peter S. Galbraith, Debian Developer          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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