On 25 December 2013 at 15:06, Christian Hofstaedtler wrote:
| Package: quantlib-swig
| Version: 1.3-1
| Severity: normal
| Dear Maintainer,
| Your package currently depends on Ruby 1.8, which is not maintained
| upstream any more. The Ruby team wishes to get rid of this version soon.
| Please migrate your package to use Ruby 2.0 (or less preferably, 1.9).

Sure.  It's a pretty vanilla Swig package which, for Ruby, just does:

        (cd Ruby &&                                             \
                        CC="$(cxxcompiler)"                     \
                        CXX="$(cxxcompiler)"                    \
                        CFLAGS="$(compilerflags)"               \
                        CXXFLAGS="$(compilerflags)"             \
                        $(RUBY) setup.rb build                  )

where RUBY=ruby.  So I may just get by changing

   ruby1.8, ruby1.8-dev, 


   ruby2.0, ruby2.0-dev, 

in debian/control.  If that fails, I can always read up...  :)


| More information that you might find useful:
|  * Planned transition
|     http://release.debian.org/transitions/html/ruby1.8-removal.html
|  * Ruby Team goals for Jessie
|     https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Jessie
|  * Ruby Packaging Guidelines:
|     https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Ruby/Packaging#Guidelines_for_Ruby_packaging
| Thank you!
| Christian

Dirk Eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com

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