control: affects 723586 piuparts

Hi Oliver,

On Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2013, Olivier Sallou wrote:
> Python was indeed installed, and have been fine, but somehow an upgrade
> fixed the issue.
> The problem is, now I have don't have the issue anymore, so I won't be
> able to produce more logs/tests.

Don't worry, the issue is well understood, just not the fix:

<      jwilk> | h01ger: dpkg insists that foo:any can be satisfied only by M-
A:allowed packages. Old versions of python didn't have  
              this flag enabled...
< jwilk> See bug #723586.
< jwilk> The dpkg's :any semantics is stupid if you ask me, but -ENOTIME to 
argue with dpkg&apt devs.
<      h01ger> | so thats not really a bug in piuparts
< jwilk> A work-around is to change "python:any" to "python:any | python".
<      h01ger> | piuparts has ${python:Depends} as depends
<      h01ger> | i wouldnt want to turn this into ${python:Depends} | python  
             * | h01ger sighs and prepares to know 723586 by heart before 
jessie is released
             * | jwilk sighs at dh_python2.
<      h01ger> | there definitly must be a better fix than to fix all packages 
depending on python...
< jwilk> Oh yay, we have hundreds of packages depending on unalternatived and 
unversioned "python:any".
< jwilk> s/hundreds/dozens/
<      h01ger> | jwilk: yeah, sure
             * | h01ger is not surprised


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