Hi Thomas

Thomas Goirand <z...@debian.org> writes:

> On 12/19/2013 03:43 AM, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
>>> This is some remaining from before I restarted working on the packaging
>>> of OpenStack, and a feature which I just didn't touch. Each time I see
>>> it, I think I should kill this functionality. Would you agree (and the
>>> rest of the packaging team) that it's useless, since Debian has all the
>>> needed tools to do that?
>>> If nobody complains about it, I'll kill this thing completely, and will
>>> do the same for Nova.
>> I'm not exactly sure what you are refering here with "this thing". If
>> you mean the part that you can enable service in /etc/default/* files,
>> then I completely agree. I just did not mention this because it's not
>> really part of the bug, but IMO this is a bad way to control if a
>> service is started or not, there are much better ways to not start a
>> service (ie runlevels) and at the same time keeping the possiblity of
>> starting it from the command line with the normal init script.
>> So I'm very much in favor of this. But this does only work around this
>> instance of the bug and not solve the deeper issue which is somewhere
>> inside the pile of shell code in openstack-pkg-tools.
> The problem doesn't lie at all in openstack-pkg-tools, which in itself
> is policy compliant. Read what it does if you aren't convinced.

Nowhere did I say that openstack-pkg-tools is not policy compliant. The
part that concerns openstack-pkg-tools is not about policy compliance,
but just a simple bug. As I already wrote in the first mail, I read the
code. The code currently in cinder-common.config.in (which will be
removed) tries to do the right thing by useing pkgos_read_config, but
inside this function (which uses pkgos_inifile for the low level work) it
files to correctly read the value from the file. That's the underlying
bug that should also be fixed. I just went back and made a small test
case. The script is attached to this mail:

gaudenz@meteor:~/tmp$ ./test.sh 
Testing pkgos_inifile WITHOUT section
Return value:          NOT_FOUND
Expected return value: false

Testing pkgos_inifile WITH section
Return value:          false
Expected return value: false

I guess the bug is somewhere in the handling of the NO_SECTION parameter
to pkgos_inifile.



. /usr/share/openstack-pkg-tools/pkgos_func


echo "# defaults file for cinder daemons

# start cinder daemons from init.d script?
# only allowed values are \"true\" and \"false\",
# any change to this file will be reset on upgrades.

echo "# defaults file for cinder daemons

# start cinder daemons from init.d script?
# only allowed values are \"true\" and \"false\",
# any change to this file will be reset on upgrades.

echo "Testing pkgos_inifile WITHOUT section"

echo "Return value:          ${RET}"
echo "Expected return value: ${CINDER_ENABLE}"

echo "Testing pkgos_inifile WITH section"
pkgos_inifile get ${TESTFILE_WITH_SECTION} test-section CINDER_ENABLE

echo "Return value:          ${RET}"
echo "Expected return value: ${CINDER_ENABLE}"

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter.
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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