---- Original Message ----
 From: "Nico Golde" 
 To: "Shawn Landden" , 731...@bugs.debian.org
 Sent: Wed, Dec 4, 2013, 12:37 PM
 Subject: Re: Bug#731382: libpam-fprintd: do not show password if user enters 
* Shawn Landden  [2013-12-04 21:17]:
Users are use to entering passwords at login prompts and the like.
It would be nice if libpam-fprintd could swallow the input like
password prompts do, instead of prominentally displaying the user's password
if they type it in.

I'm slightly confused by this report. Please note that I'm not the maintainer 
though. Given that you use libpam-fprintd, why would you enter a password in 
the first place if you authenticate using your fingerprint?
Or are you talking about the scenario in which fprint is used and a user 
accidently enters a password when there is no password prompt?This.
Even better yet, there could be a mode where you can authenticate by 
fingerprint and password at the same time.
That however would probably be non-trivial to implement within the framework of 

Nico Golde - XMPP: n...@jabber.ccc.de (mailto:n...@jabber.ccc.de) - GPG: 

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