tag 731115 - moreinfo

On Tuesday 03 December 2013 16:16:00 Diederik de Haas wrote:
> On Monday 02 December 2013 22:06:59 you wrote:
> > Hi! I would like to know first why you want this lib compiled against
> > libgstreamer 1.0.
> Because it represents the 1.0 release and is 'officially' released. And
> afaik libqtwebkit4 is the only one still depended on the 0.1 version.

I see a good intention there :) Saddly I don't think it's enough, except 
gstreamer maintainers want to drop 0.1. On the other hand there are still 
quite some packages using libgstreamer0.1.

> > libgstreamer is a build-time dependency, so no, it can't be an optional
> > one.
> With an 'or' dependency I meant "libgstreamer0.10-0 | libgstreamer1.0-0",
> not remove it completely.

I know what you mean, but once again: libgstreamer is a build-time dependency, 
so no, it can't be an optional.

> > Now let's suppose you have a very good reason to have it compiled against
> > libgstreamer 1.0. Do you know if it will compile if I change the build
> > dependencies?
> I have no idea whether it will compile against gstreamer 1.0 libraries and I
> also don't have a good reason to have it changed/adjusted, just a wish
> (hence the severity).

That's perfectly fine, and please don't hesitate to do it again if you feel 
it's needed :)

My questions arises from the fact that I need to evaluate whether this 
wishlist bug is applicable or not, so I need to do them :)

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

"No es el crecimiento de la tecnología lo que excluye, sino la
protección sistemática de los derechos de uso de la misma,
lo cual se puede aplicar al arte."
  David Cuartielles

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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