
On Tue, Dec 03, 2013 at 05:56:05PM +0400, Sergey B Kirpichev wrote:
> > Well, considering that you had
> > 
> >    ./07/tek2ps/  have been removed from sources
> > 
> > where exactly is the problem that you can not give pattern by pattern
> > comments?
> Yep.  Perhaps, this is a reason to improve this comment.

>From my perspective there is no reason for this.  It would not be
machine readable in any case.  Also IMHO this information fits better in

> Anyway, I would like to adopt something like this
> for others my packages as well.  And this issue is still relevant.
> Another Files-like paragraphs seems to be a sulution.
> See e.g. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=685506#32

>From my perspective a "solution" is something what is implemented.  More
than 10 monthes have passed since this *suggestion* and nobody minded
about some competing *solution* to Files-Excluded.  I did a lot of work
explaining both alternatives on the Wiki page (it is removed now since
devscripts authors accepted the implemented code for Files-Excluded in
Git).  Since Debian is a Do-O-cracy those things are winning that can
attract volunteers who *do* the actual work.  The other alternative did
not which in turn means it was not convincing enough.

> The solution in
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=685506#50
> is not just "not nice", it's less machine-readable.

In how far do comments need to be machine readable.  We are talking
about comments and comments are by definition free text and there is no
need to parse this.  So I keep on failing to see the advantage of
"Removed-Files" over "Files-Excluded" and your arguments do not really
convince me.

> PS: I'm DM, so - you can grant me upload permission
> for this package if you trust my work enough.

Fine for me but if I'm not misleaded the package needs to pass new
before this permission can be granted.
Kind regards


PS: There is no point in CCing me - I'm reading debian-science list.


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