Package: wnpp
Owner: Radu-Bogdan Croitoru <>
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : liblist-rotation-cycle-perl
  Version         : 1.009
  Upstream Author : Imre Saling <>
* URL             :
* License         : Artistic or GPL-1+
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     : module that cycles through a list of values via a singleton 
object implemented as closure.

Use List::Rotation::Cycle to loop through a list of values. Once you get to
the end of the list, you go back to the beginning.

List::Rotation::Cycle is implemented as a Singleton Pattern. You always just
get 1 (the very same) Cycle object even if you use the new method several
times. This is done by using Memoize on the new method. It returns the same
object for every use of new that comes with the same List of parameters.

This description was automagically extracted from the module by dh-make-perl.

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