Control: fixed -1


On Sun, 01 Dec 2013 02:15:21 +0000
bns_robson <> wrote:

> During the boot the following lines are output to the console
>     chown: invalid group: 'root:netdev'
>     [warn] can't chown /run/network ... (warning)

> I've looked at what generates this and think the lines are generated
> by the function check_ifstate() in file etc/init.d/networking from
> package ifupdown.

> My computer's /etc/group does not have the group 'netdev'. It has the
> groups from /usr/share/base-passwd/group.master plus the following
>     libuuid:x:101:
>     crontab:x:102:
>     Debian-exim:x:103:
>     ssh:x:104:
>     messagebus:x:105:
>     utempter:x:106:
>     i2c:x:107:
>     mlocate:x:108:

> I've tried re-installing package ifupdown and package iproute2 it
> depends on to see if either of these packages added group 'netdev'
> to /etc/group. Neither does but I think that as ifupdown tries to use
> group 'netdev' then ifdown should add it.

Hi, this is a bug in version of a package. Please upgrade to a
newer one from unstable or run ‘addgroup --quiet --system netdev’


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