On Sun, 24 Nov 2013 09:22:02 -0300, Miguel Landaeta wrote:

> * Package name    : libturpial
> * URL             : http://github.com/Turpial/libturpial
>  libturpial aims to implement all the features and support the main
>  microblogging platforms like Twitter and Identi.ca.

Identi.ca has switched from StatusNet to pump.io some months ago;
looking at https://github.com/Turpial/libturpial/issues/35 it seems
that libturpial does not support pump.io yet; so it might be more
correct to say that it supports StatusNet but not identi.ca.

(In the code, libturpial/lib/protocols/identica should probably also
be libturpial/lib/protocols/statusnet but well.)


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