[I'm not the maintainer of this package.]

* Jean-Baptiste Lallement <jeanbaptiste.lallem...@gmail.com>, 2013-11-16, 10:14:
I used py.test instead of calling __init__.py as setup.py does because init adds the root of the source tree to the path and we want to run the testsuite against the package on the system.

I added "raise ImportError" to my /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/simplejson/__init__.py, and it didn't cause any test failures. It looks like you still test against the source, rather than the installed package...

+Tests: upstream
+Depends: @, python-pytest

That's a bit wasteful. @ expands to "python-simplejson python-simplejson-dbg, python3-simplejson, python3-simplejson-dbg, python-simplejson-doc, pypy-simplejson", even though you'd actually test only the first one.

Jakub Wilk

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