Thanks Rafael for the feedback and Andreas for continued patience.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 10:10:00PM +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 07:44:57PM +0100, Rafael Laboissiere wrote:
> > It would be preferable that you had created a side branch in the Git
> > repository for your changes, such that the merge would be trivial to
> > do.

This really wouldn't have made much of a difference.  It's trivial to
add Andrea's repo as a remote and then the functionality is the same as
if the branch were in devscripts' repo.  At the time that Andreas
started work on this, devscripts wasn't in collab-maint so it made sense
to just push his changes to a user repo on Alioth so people could access
and review the changes.

> > It will also be necessary to prepare a qpatched versions for uscan.1
> > and debian/control.
> I'd happily provide this if I could be sure that this effort is not
> wasted in a way that uscan in devscripts simply moves on and I need
> to redo the patch later again.  Some signal of devscripts maintainer
> regarding this would be helpful.

As stated before, we were originally waiting for the (longish) Wheezy
freeze to finish and release.  Since that has happened, there has been a
lack of time available from existing maintainers.

Your work is not wasted, though, since we can integrate your changes
regardless of whether they've been rebased on a recent version of uscan.
It's "just" a matter of time to review and merge.

I will work on this within the next month.

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