Package: debhelper
Version: 9.20130504

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 06:20:03PM +0800, YunQiang Su wrote:
> Hi, Steve,

> dh_auto_check disable check when cross build by default now, when cross
> build, I believe it's a good behavior.

> Here we override_dh_auto_check, fellow the behavior of dh_auto_check
> will be a good idea.

Thanks for making me aware of this.

I'm filing a bug against debhelper asking for this behavior to be reverted.
debhelper should *not* automatically disable the test suite when
cross-building.  There are perfectly legitimate cases where you may be
cross-building and *do* want to run the test suite, and this behavior change
in dh undermines this.  If someone wants the test suite to be skipped
because they're cross-building, they should use the standard interface for
this and set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck.  Whereas if someone does want the
test suite to be run when cross-building, there is no corresponding
interface that lets them override this in the other direction.

Joey, could you please revert this change to debhelper?  (Added in response
to bug #703262; cc:ing that bug's submitter.)

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
Ubuntu Developer                                                     

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