On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 08:28:21AM -0400, Harry Prevor wrote:
> I've noticed as per the buildd logs that subversion is built on mips
> and mipsel only with the --disable-java flag, while on all other
> architectures it is not built with this flag.

All other Debian-supported architectures.  There are debian-ports.org
architectures which are also blacklisted.

> Considering java works fine on mips and mipsel, I'd like that build
> flag to be removed for those architectures so packages like
> libsvn-java (which a lot of packages, including NetBeans, depend on)
> can be built.

I'd tend to agree.  mips(el) were blacklisted 7 years ago.  It seems the
Java implementations have made some progress since then.  I ran test
builds (using both gcj and openjdk) on eder.d.o and gabrielli.d.o, both
of which ran fine.

Peter, what do you think of a) dropping the arch blacklists for Java and
b) changing from gcj-jdk to default-jdk?

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