Le samedi 05 novembre 2005 à 20:02 +0100, Mike Hommey a écrit :
> > I hate when good features are removed because the standard says so
> > without explaining why it makes sense ... in particular when I don't
> > know any clean workaround to do the same thing. :-(
> You can work around with xsl:choose or xsl:if clauses inside the
> xsl:template.

Yeah I know that, but in my case it's uglier than before. I have an
ignore stylesheet which defines high priority templates to override some
specific templates ... but the criteria to define "the specificity"
includes this variable.

This ignore stylesheet is used by several other stylesheet. I have to
put dozens of xsl:if in several stylesheets when 3 generic templates did
the work until now.

> If you can tell which files are concerned and where i can find them, i
> can help when i have some time for it (or if it's just trivial).

Thanks for the offer, but I'm the upstream of logidee-tools so I know it
well enough to be able to fix it myself ... It's just bothersome to do
when it used to work. :-)

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com

Freexian : des développeurs Debian au service des entreprises

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