Removal shouldn't be necessary: this bug should be fixable by simply
updating the libav* version numbers in
src/Tao.FFmpeg/Tao.FFmpeg.dll.config (patch attached, replaces all three
existing libav*update patches), though I haven't tested this.
Also, your libav{codec,format}-dev build-dependencies should be updated
to >=6:9, as the same problem would occur if libav was older than this
file expects.
Update libav version numbers
$ diff -up Tao.FFmpeg.dll.config_orig Tao.FFmpeg.dll.config
--- Tao.FFmpeg.dll.config_orig 2013-10-17 19:12:08.372519000 +0100
+++ Tao.FFmpeg.dll.config 2013-10-17 19:13:44.032516362 +0100
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
<dllmap dll="avcodec-51.dll" os="windows" target="avcodec-51.dll" />
<dllmap dll="avcodec-51.dll" os="osx" target="" />
- <dllmap dll="avcodec-51.dll" os="!windows,osx" target="" />
+ <dllmap dll="avcodec-51.dll" os="!windows,osx" target="" />
<dllmap dll="avformat-52.dll" os="windows" target="avformat-52.dll" />
<dllmap dll="avformat-52.dll" os="osx" target="" />
- <dllmap dll="avformat-52.dll" os="!windows,osx" target="" />
+ <dllmap dll="avformat-52.dll" os="!windows,osx" target="" />
<dllmap dll="avutil-49.dll" os="windows" target="avutil-49.dll" />
<dllmap dll="avutil-49.dll" os="osx" target="" />
- <dllmap dll="avutil-49.dll" os="!windows,osx" target="" />
+ <dllmap dll="avutil-49.dll" os="!windows,osx" target="" />
<dllmap dll="swscale-0.dll" os="windows" target="swscale-0.dll" />
<dllmap dll="swscale-0.dll" os="osx" target="" />