Bob Bib has written on Monday, 14 October, at 21:35:
>openbox/3.5.2-3 is currently in unstable, not in NEW queue or experimental...
>By the way, I've unpacked the source package, and there's some patch there,
>'fix_center_window.patch' in 'debian/patches'
>(I haven't tested it though).

I haven't tested it too. I hope it contains all the fix, it needs testing
yet I think. I've completely forgotten the fix already came in the debian
package. I'm sorry.

About mentioned build problem with new openbox:

I'm adding to recipients, and would ask to release new
version of lxappearance-obconf (0.2.1 or 0.3.0 by your choice) so we can
release fixed one into debian too. Thank you very much.

Best regards!

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