Hello Peter!

On Thu 03 Nov 2005 16:11 +0100, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
> Luca Capello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It's perfect.
>> Another suggestion: in order to be consistent in the functions, you
>> could do the same for (debian-bug-web-this-bug) and
>> (debian-bug-web-this-bug-under-mouse) and you'll can get rid of
>> two functions ;-)
> Good catch!  Thanks!

I thought about that possibility and found that it could not be the
best solution. Let me explain...

If I've a function (debian-bug-web-this-bug), I can easily assign hit
to a keystroke (let's say, C-x F10).

OTOH, if I've (debian-bug-web-bug) which uses the bug number under
point as prompt default whenever possible I cannot *easily* assign to
a keystroke, because I need a new variable. Something like:

  (debian-bug-web-bug (&optional bug-number use-always-bug-number)

and I can assign this one to a keystroke like

  (lambda () (debian-bug-web-bug nil t))

So, I've a dilemma: from a newbie point-of-view, I think that having
single functions is the best thing, (debian-bug-web-this-bug). From a
coder point-of-view, I vote for the other one.

Just another view I got.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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