forwarded 713071

Just a note I looked into this briefly -- there is some error in the
maxima_index.lisp generation starting with the first anchor in (equalp) -- the offset output to the index is off by one,
and every index thereafter points to the previous anchor.

Take care,

"Jeronimo Pellegrini" <> writes:

> Hello,
> Now, if I first try "?? hessian" it will tell me that there is
> the "hankel()" function. And then, when I ask for the docs on hankel(),
> it shows the documentation for get_lu_factors()...
> And this time if I ask for "hessian()" it won't crash, but instead
> it shows me the documentation on hankel():
> /======
> Maxima 5.30.0
> using Lisp GNU Common Lisp (GCL) GCL 2.6.7 (a.k.a. GCL)
> Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
> Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
> The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
> (%i1) ?? hessian
>  -- Function: hankel (<col>, <row>)
>      Return a Hankel matrix <H>.  The first column of <H> is <col>;
>      except for the first entry, the last row of <H> is <row>.  The
>      default for <row> is the zero vector with the same length as <col>.
> (%o1)                                true
> (%i2) ? hankel
>  0: hankel  (Functions and Variables for linearalgebra)
>  1: hankel <1>  (Functions and Variables for linearalgebra)
> Enter space-separated numbers, `all' or `none': 0
>  -- Function: get_lu_factors (<x>)
>      When '<x> = lu_factor (<A>)', then 'get_lu_factors' returns a list
>      of the form '[P, L, U]', where <P> is a permutation matrix, <L> is
>      lower triangular with ones on the diagonal, and <U> is upper
>      triangular, and '<A> = <P> <L> <U>'.
>   There are also some inexact matches for `hankel'.
>   Try `?? hankel' to see them.
> (%o2)                                true
> (%i3) ? hessian
>  -- Function: hankel (<col>, <row>)
>      Return a Hankel matrix <H>.  The first column of <H> is <col>;
>      except for the first entry, the last row of <H> is <row>.  The
>      default for <row> is the zero vector with the same length as <col>.
> \======
> J.

Camm Maguire                              
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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