On 16.08.2013 13:02, Simon McVittie wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Aug 2013 at 13:42:20 +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> openarena-server.README.Debian contains slightly outdated information
>> about the location of debian_server.cfg.
> Thanks, I'll fix that.
>> I also suggest to recommend the service command instead of update-rc.d
> I don't think this is right? service wraps invoke-rc.d, but not
> update-rc.d: so you can do `service openarena stop|start|restart|...`, but you
> can't do `service openarena enable|disable`. Or is this perhaps implemented in
> experimental or something?

Not that I am aware of. It seems I confused disabling the init script
with disabling/stopping the server.

Most of the time you want to start/stop/restart a server as a typical
openarena server admin. Perhaps you can hint at the service command in
addition to update-rc.d?



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