
I'm not a user of this package or Debian kFreeBSD, but I use/maintain FreeBSD
port for Emacs, and also affected by this bug. The last bzr revision of trunk
which I tried, and worked for me was 113284 (which was after r113268[1]), and
is in use at the moment.

I tried updating to r113322, r113500, r113909, r113920 today and all of them
are still having this issue.

I'm wondering if you're still experiencing this issue on kFreeBSD after the
fix, or has any other fix for which you're looking for testers.

[1]  http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/lh/emacs/trunk/revision/113268

Ashish SHUKLA      | GPG: F682 CDCC 39DC 0FEA E116  20B6 C746 CFA9 E74F A4B0
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