On Sat, 10 Aug 2013 16:16:56 +0200 Anton Gladky wrote:

> 2013/8/10 Francesco Poli <invernom...@paranoici.org>:
> http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=debian-science/packages/freecad.git;a=tree;f=src/Mod/Draft;h=b23b5834e8f186e6bc13547e3ff606cd226fad40;hb=01b8f377dc5544c280f706b0a82984f8fd8a7ff4
> Please, check all files and provide a patch.
OK, I'll see what I can do.

> > Are these GPL-licensed files just Python scripts that are run by the
> > user, outside of FreeCAD?
> > Or does FreeCAD fork and exec those scripts (with the help a Python
> > interpreter)?
> > Or does FreeCAD dynamically link those scripts as plug-ins?
> No idea, Please, ask upstream, if you want.

Possibly, after checking the status of those files...

> I have a very low motivation to maintain freecad, as I do not use
> it at all.

I see, that's unfortunate.

> > If SoQt is not re-licensed similarly to how Coin3D was, I think
> > that the issue with freecad is not yet fixed.
> As I understand, there is an issue, if soqt uses symbols from
> OCE. Maybe I am wrong.

As far as I know, there's a problem as long as two incompatibly
licensed works are linked together, even indirectly.
So, if FreeCAD links with both OCE and SoQt, there's an issue, even if
SoQt does not directly use symbols from OCE.

> PS I will unlikely contribute into this package any more. Sorry.

Well, that's sad, but it's of course up to you to decide.
Thank you so much for everything you have done so far for this package.
It's really appreciated, indeed.


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