On Sun, Aug 04, 2013 at 10:37:54AM +0200, Zeno Rogue wrote:
> I have read Adam's post in the thread. (How to subscribe and post to this
> thread?)

you can send a mail to 718323-subscr...@bugs.debian.org; it will ask you
back to confirm. if you want to participate in the discussion, just send
a mail to 718...@bugs.debian.org.

> Indeed, killing 5000 slimes makes the Alchemist's Lab degenerate,
> this is a bug. Probably overharvesting one land should also make all other
> lands more dangerous (say, monster generation should be based on max(N,
> (M-10)/10), where N is gold in given land, and M is max gold among all
> lands).
> Probably I need to invent some cool way to prevent the sandworm farming
> too... maybe simply the worm's explosion should destroy walls around its
> head.

adam, i think your ideas were taken well with upstream, but i regard
them all as upstream decisions, including the choice to leave cocytus in
there as an easter egg.

(i'm under the impression though that our interest in the game is
beneficial to its development :-) )

i therefore still think that the package is suitable for debian from my
point of view.

best regards

To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
  -- Bene Gesserit axiom

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