tags 657666 + pending

On January 27, 2012 at 7:53PM +0000, debbugs (at xrad.org) wrote:
> I recently discovered w3m's "-dump -o display_link_number=1" options,
> and find them really useful.  One minor niggle is that the links are
> actually listed in an order quite close to, but not the same as, the
> number that's displayed.  So for example for one document I have, links
> 1-10 are presented in the order 1-7,9,10,8 in the References list at the
> end of the dump.  I attach a patch which sorts them according to number.

Merged in the development repository.


On January 27, 2012 at 8:01PM +0000, debbugs (at xrad.org) wrote:
> By the way, I didn't look into W3M's memory management terribly
> carefully.  Since it appears to use a garbage collector, I assumed that
> there was no need to free in_order, but I do notice references to a
> GC_free function: perhaps I should call GC_free(in_order) after all?

Calling GC_free isn't needed.

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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