Version: 20130317-1 On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 09:42:35AM -0300, Marcelo Santana wrote: > On Thu, 21 Mar 2013 12:35:35 +0100, Agustin Martin > <> wrote: > > > Hi, > > Hi Agustin, > > > Just seen this message, gmail put it in the spam folder > > I've imagined. > > > > I'm sorry I mistook the version of the dictionary with the new > > > LibreOffice extension bundle that includes grammar checker, > > > spell checker and hyphenator. The new version of dictionary [1] > > > continues compatible with previous versions of myspell-pt-br. > > > > > > [1] > > Another interest information. I've checked the dictionary existing in > LibreOffice extension bundle [2] (a zip file) is more updated than the > existing in > > [2]
myspell dict inside both seems to have the same date and size. Anyway, I committed the changes and forgot to close this bug report when doing that (sorry for the delay). New package contains new version and a couple of changes regarding your upstream release. * For the myspell dict I explicitly enabled WORDCHARS line and added apostrophe to it. This is mostly intended to test recent Emacs+ispell.el hunspell dicts auto-detection feature, which heavily relies on the info that line provides to know more about the language. Not sure if LibreOffice needs it or uses some hardcoded values. * For the aspell dict I removed line 65950, where a non iso8859-1 char seems present in chãs-d\222anca (instead of the \222). > > No problem, both are generated from the same source if new dictionary > > is compatible with aspell, as it seems to be. > > What do you think would be better after wheezy release? Continue > maintaining aspell-pt-br and myspell-pt-br or switch to hunspell-pt-br > for example? That depends on the language. For some languages there is a huge benefit in terms of easier maintenance and smaller dicts when using hunspell. If that is not relevant and you want to keep preparing aspell dicts I'd leave things like they currently are, but as said, this greatly depends on the language. Regards, -- Agustin -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact