
>The current QtWebkit version in unstable hasn't picked up fixes from
>Webkit trunk for about 2 years.

That's mainly because of the freeze, I guess, I'm going to try to update this 
package for a debian derivative and if possible offer my changes to debian.

>I believe it is better to not have such a browser in the archive but
>some members of the KDE team disagreed with that when I voiced this concern
>ast year.

>However no one from the team picked up maintaining the package so I'm
>now asking for its removal.

About this, since no one else is willing to maintain it, I was the maintainer 
when I was part of that "team" but I'm not part the alioth project anymore, I 
would keep maintaining it outside the debian qt/kde "team".

So -in my opinion- please, don't remove this package for now.

Just for the record: Konqueror can be configured to use both KHTML and qtwebkit 
as browsing engine, so if you remove rekonq, the next step if you want to be 
consistent is either:

a) Removing qtwebkit from the archive (which is being used by amarok to show 
the wikipedia page about the artist of the song which you are playing)


b) Keeping qtwekit for amarok but chopping off the ability of konqueror to 
choose qtwebkit as browsing engine.

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