On 06/06/2013 09:51 AM, Sam Clegg wrote:
> On 06/05/2013 09:24 PM, tony mancill wrote:
>> Hello Sam,
>> Would you be opposed to an NMU of proguard to update it to a newer
>> version and to address the FTBFS error?  Or perhaps to the packaging
>> being moved to collaborative maintenance under the Debian Java team?
>> The current version is blocking the transition to OpenJDK7.
> If you have an NMU ready to go then please go ahead.
> I'm happy to take look today.

Great - I have built and uploaded the package to DELAYED-5.  That will
give you a bit of time to look at it and let me know if you'd like it
removed from the upload queue.  I'll be traveling some over the weekend,
but will check mail when possible (and in plenty of time to cut the
upload if you're not happy with it).

> If you think it makes sense to move to collaborative maintenance
> with the Java team I'd be happy to consider that.  What exactly
> would be involved in doing that?

The packaging would be pulled into either a git or svn repository
(preferably git) and then added to the pkg-java repository where members
of the Java team would have write access to the packaging repo.  You
would be listed as an Uploader, but as the maintainer all members of the
Java team would be copied on bug reports, etc.


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