Hi Mathias,

On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 01:28:13PM +0200, Mathias Behrle wrote:
> Thanks for clarifying your approach. This was just my attempt to follow 
> official
> recommendations (i.e. searching for sponsors after uploading to mentors.d.o.).
> Now knowing, that you are willing to give me some support on this side and 
> that
> you preferably work from VCS, it will ease things for me, too (saving this
> extra upload to mentors).

>From my perspective mentors.d.n is helpful if you are *seeking* a
sponsor.  If you know a sponsor who just volunteered to upload your
packages (be it a single person or a team) it does create some overhead
we could probably save.

> > If you want me to ask for registering a pkg-tryton project (or whatever
> > name you want to suggest - feel free to do so) I'd volunteer to do so
> > and grant you admin permissions.  However, the announcement[2] is 10
> > years old and there was no DM status at this time - I can't believe that
> > you should not be able to register a project that makes perfectly sense.
> > Why not simply go to
> > 
> >    https://alioth.debian.org/register/
> > 
> > and fill in the form.  WOrst that can be happen is that your request
> > will be rejected but I have severe doubt that this will happen.
> I simply went there and got a big fat red "Projektregistrierung ist beschränkt
> auf Alioth, nur Administratoren können neue Projekte anlegen."
> So, no, I didn't get rejected, it was just not possible to create any request.

Uhmm, that comes unexpected to me.  Just tell me if I should register
such a project (once you might agree to the policy).

> > I admit people might have a different sense of humor - but this World
> > Domination thingy is just a running gag.  I think there is no doubt that
> > it only can be a joke.
> The document is meant and linked as *policy*. I think (and support), there is
> very little humour in Debian, when it comes to policies as DFSG etc...;).
> Humour is just not appropriate in policy documents. 

I admit that a policy document should refrain from humor and some better
wording should be found.

> Whenever I will have a little spare time, I will make another proposal. As 
> long
> as this remains unchanged, it is indeed a showstopper for me.

>From my perspective technically the wording would be worth a bug report
severity minor - I would not regard minor bugs as showstoppers.  (Just to
explain my point of view, not trying to change your mind.)

> The recent output (19 modules) is due to stalled development in the last 2
> years. Now that I have a working environment I am up-to-date again. Usually
> there are ca. 1-3 new modules per release, which makes 2-6 packages a year.

No problem.

Kind regards



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