Package: live-boot
Version: 3.0.1-1 
Dunno if i'm doing this correct. I sent my previous bug to the wrong
package apparently, and i'm not sure if this is the right one or if it's
maybe live-config?

I don't have the version number, but it was installed from wheezy
xfce-live-cd so I guess the one stated above is correct.

Anyways, the conversation can be seen below...

Thanks :-)

<-----Ursprungligt Meddelande----->

                From: Michael Biebl []
Sent: 24/5/2013 12:35:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#709543: Wired network
interface is configured as unmanaged by NM in wheezy xfce-live 

Am 24.05.2013 00:08, schrieb Johan Lörne: 
> Package: network-manager 
> Version: 
> Severity: serious 
> Hi. This is my first bug report, so i'm sorry if it's not up to 
> standards. 
> I recently helped a friend to install wheezy from the xfce live-cd,
> after installation the wired network-card used during installation was
> unmanaged by network-manager. I searched through old bugs and found
> problem was up before, seemed to be fixed for squeeze, and somehow 
> managed to get to wheezy and fixed again? (#699213) 
> Either way, i'm not sure if it only affect wired or also wireless
> I don't have the opportunity to try it with wireless now. I changed
> network-manager config like so... 
> /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf 
> [ifupdown] 
> managed=true 
> Now it works fine, but it should have worked by default. My friend 
> almost switched to another distro because of the issue ;-) 

NM not managing the interface is actually expected behaviour and the 
real bug is that live-cd is configuring the interface in 
If it installs network-manager, it should not configure the wired 
interface in /etc/network/interfaces. 

Please file a bug against the debian live-cd package. 


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the 
universe are pointed away from Earth? 


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