Dear Teemu

The package depending on the python bindings is cctbx[1]. I haven't been working
on the package for a while because I don't have so much time. I can't really
tell you if your ctypes alternative would be suitable.

I'd suggest you to contact cbf upstream and trying to convince them to merge
your ctypes alternative with their code. Then you can build a proper python-cbf 

Kind regards

On Tue, 21. May 20:25, Teemu Ikonen wrote:
> Hi Radostan,
> > I'm about to make a debian package which depends on the python-bindings
> > of cbflib. I checked the source package and "pycbf" sources are available
> > and also a I just tried the and it's working.
> > Can you provide a python package from your source package?
> Did you finish your cbflib-depending python package, and what is/was the
> software in question?
> I'm planning to update the cbflib package, but I found the SWIG-wrapper
> distributed with the sources to be somewhat lacking. There is a python
> ctypes alternative for the same purpose at
> Best,
> Teemu

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