(Random #-changes reader.)

Len Sorensen <lennartsoren...@ruggedcom.com> (15/05/2013):
> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 11:17:30AM -0400, tony mancill wrote:
> > I am able to build the package in a clean wheezy chroot, so I'm not sure
> > yet what's going on here yet.  Any chance you're trying to build with a
> > different JDK than the default-jdk?
> I am using sbuild, pointing at wheezy, so I would hope it picks the
> right one based on what the control file asks for.

I've just created a brand new sbuild chroot for wheezy and run that:
  sbuild -As -d wheezy jetty_6.1.26-1.dsc

and everything went fine.


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