On 08.05.2013 13:10, Markus Koschany wrote:
> On 08.05.2013 11:44, gregor herrmann wrote:
> [...]
>> I'm not so sure here.
>> It's possible to have the "old" libjgoodies-forms-java installed
>> (e.g. on a wheezy system) and then to install the "new" patched
>> mediathekview, which will most probably break.


>> So I think a versioned dependency on libjgoodies-forms-java >= 1.6
>> would indeed make sense for mediathekview.
> Well, that's true. I didn't think thoroughly enough about the "mixed
> distributions" case here because this is not a problem if you use pure
> sid or pure testing whereby version 1.6.0-3 of libjgoodies-forms-java
> enters before mediathekview. Indeed a versioned dependency on
> libjgoodies-forms-java makes sense in this case.

Think version 1.6.0-3 of libjgoodies-forms-java needs to break version of libjgoodies-common-java. Otherwise you end up with a similar


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