Hi, Anton!

Thanks for the interest!
I've fixed all the notes you told me about and re-uploaded
`zatacka` on mentors[0].

About VCS, I'm currently hosting the package maintenance
on GitHub[1] (already placed it on the correct Vcs-* fields).

[0]: http://mentors.debian.net/package/zatacka
[1]: https://github.com/alexdantas/zatacka

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 10:59 AM, Anton Gladky <gl...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi Alexandre,
> thanks for adopting the package!
> It looks fine, but I have 2 minor notes due to the packaging:
> 1) You are using dh 9, but there are no notice in the changelog.
> 2) Use VCS for package maintainance.
> 3) Optionally you can try to use dh-autoreconf ( --with autoreconf), but
> it is up to you.
> Also you are targeting the package into unstable, but the Wheezy
> is not yet released. Let's wait some days till it happens.
> Cheers,
> Anton

Alexandre Dantas
*1309 21D9 ECA0 6EE5 F435  D1C5 F234 E30E B63C F56F*
my projects <http://alexdantas.net/projects/>

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