reassign 706226 xul-ext-torbutton
retitle 706226 causes image titles to no longer be displayed in iceweasel 20

On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 11:54:18PM +0800, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> i'm still curious to know which one (or which combination) is to blame,
> there may be some other package to reassign this bug to.
> Can you try bisecting your plugins to see what it takes to trigger it?
> you can bisect by disabling half your plugins; then try again.  still
> faulty?  bisect the remaining set.  if it's not still faulty, switch
> which half is disabled and which half is enabled, and try again.  do
> this until you can identify the failing plugin.
> If you report back here, i can help you reassign or close this bug
> report if you're not sure how to do so.

Yes, I did that right after sending my previous email.  Thanks again.

Eric Cooper             e c c @ c m u . e d u

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