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Sat, 13 Apr 2013 07:22:29 +0200 from ShakaZ:
> recently I noticed slow internet connection when there was no reason for it. 
> It turned out to come from ieweasel. First time I closed several tabs which 
> didn't solve the issue, but closing iceweasel did.
> This time I was checking a long video on Youtube, 1h15min - then closed then 
> tab, full bandwidth was still used untill I closed Iceweasel.
> Just checked it out again with a short music clip, same results.
> After further investigation it appears after closing a tab the video will 
> continue downloading untill fully cached.

you've mentioned YouTube, and I suppose you use Flash version of it, not HTML5 
one [1].

Please find out the Flash player plugin version you're currently using [2].

Please also try to disable Flash plugin (at Tools -> Add-ons -> Plugins),
and see if the bandwidth problem persists
(the negative side-effect for Flash-requiring sites is obvious).


Best wishes, Bob

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