Control: tag -1 + patch

Hi Pierre,

Axel Beckert wrote on 18-Apr-2013:
> any news on a 3.x p0f version in Debian? The last upload was from
> 2008 and that version doesn't seem to be able to distinguish any
> Windows newer than XP from XP.

In the meanwhile I could verify that the v3 version can distinguish
between Windows XP and Windows 7/8. :-) Unfortunately the output is
much worse to handle with grep and friends than from v2. :-/

> I would be really happy if I would be able to use p0f in Debian to
> inform XP users that their OS will be EoL soon. :-)

For that I needed a package of p0f v3 anyway, so I built one. :-)

It's based on the official package as in Debian Unstable, but
completely revamped (e.g. I rewrote debian/rules with debhelper) and
more or less free of lintian-warnings, even with --pedantic. The only
thing lintian (correctly) argues about is, that upstream no more
provides any man-pages. :-(

I've put a source package and an amd64 package online here: (signed) (signed and
  contains hash sums of p0f_3.06b-1_amd64.deb)

The .dsc and .changes are signed with my key in the Debian keyring.

Despite being built in a Sid pbuilder, it works fine on Debian Squeeze
(which is where I need it currently), too.

Cc'ing the original reporter in case the package helps him for his v3
use case.

> P.S.: Please mention if you need or want a co-maintainer for p0f.

The package mentioned above currently lists you as maintainer and me
as co-maintainer.

If you're fine with that, I would upload that package to Debian
Experimental -- possibly with some further minor changes.

For the ease of coordinating joint work on the package, I would
propose a git repository under collab-maint on alioth. (I actually
already have a local git repository for my work on the package so far.
I'd just have to push that somewhere and add Vcs-* headers to the

In case you have no more interest in this package, it also would be ok
for me to take over maintenance of the package alone.

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <>,
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, Admin
`. `'   |  1024D: F067 EA27 26B9 C3FC 1486  202E C09E 1D89 9593 0EDE
  `-    |  4096R: 2517 B724 C5F6 CA99 5329  6E61 2FF9 CD59 6126 16B5

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