On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 18:12:55 +0200, colliar wrote:

> Why not just adapt migration policy from testing ?
> So testing and stable-backport will be the same version.

I can try.

> I do not know your update circles. But I would expect experimental to
> have at maximum a delay of ten days compared to JOSM tested and unstable
> one month.
> ATM (numbers from [1] and [2]):
> - experimental (r5759) - six weeks
> - unstable (r5608) - 20 weeks
> - testing (r5267 with some patches) - at least eight month
> - stable (r3376) - two years and nine month

This is because I have a stable internet connection only on weekends. During
the week, I work far from my home city, and only have 100MB/day of bandwidth.
And, please understand, that downloading and uploading josm would suck ~30MB of

Thanks for understanding,

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