On Sat, 20 Apr 2013 15:53:13 +0300, Oleg Gashev wrote:

> >Maybe some difference in the config?
> It's not a problem with config file.

> Are you have installed libmodule-corelist-perl?

Yes. 2.85-1.

> After install libmodule-corelist-perl issue is not reproduced.
> Can you reproduce issue after purging libmodule-corelist-perl?

Yes, now I get the "uninitialized value" warnings.
Cool, thanks for finding out the reason.
> Module::Build>= 0.4 is in core since 5.17.1 - is information from
> Module::CoreList version 2.85 (libmodule-corelist-perl package) and
> information does not exist to Module::CoreList version 2.49_02
> (perl-modules package).

That probably explains it ...
> Question: How I need to build debian package? I need to install
> libmodule-corelist-perl before?

No, libmodule-corelist-perl is just handy for finding out the
versions in core, either manually or with dh-make-perl once at
creating the intial source package.


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