
Il 13/04/2013 12:44, Carsten Schoenert ha scritto:
> your reported bug is still openend, but no one else reported similar
> problems.
> So I think your behavior isn't existing anymore in the current
> versions of icedove. But can you please check the current status on your
> side, for me that works without problems.

I can still see the bug, although I changed two computers in the
meanwhile and with newer processors it bites a bit less.

Anyway, I still think that it should be fixed (although downgrading to
"minor" is reasonable).

To demonstrate it, please try to download, gunzip and open this file:


This is an email with a rather large PDF attachment, whose MIME type is
incorrectly set at text/plain (and with Content-Disposition: inline).
When I open it, icedove freezes until it has written the content of the
PDF file as a text (and CPU usage goes to 100%). This is somewhat
tolerable on my i7 processor, but it may be more frustrating on other
computers, where it actually may be seen by the user as a program freeze.

Thanks, Giovanni.
Giovanni Mascellani <mascell...@poisson.phc.unipi.it>
Pisa, Italy

Web: http://poisson.phc.unipi.it/~mascellani
Jabber: g.mascell...@jabber.org / giova...@elabor.homelinux.org

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