Am 18.04.2013 22:59 schrieb "Scott Kitterman" <>:
> First, the absence of /usr/bin/python2 is a valid bug.  The fact that
it's not
> present is an accident, but I think you are pointing your frustration in
> wrong direction.
> PEP 394 was written AFTER Archlinux took the insane step of pointing
> /usr/bin/python at a python3 version.  That is not something that
upstream had
> ever intended or expected.  PEP 394 was done to try and, eventually, undo
> damage.  In the mean time, the problem you are concerned about will exist
> until every single distribution that was shipped without /usr/bin/python2
> retired.  This is a long term issue and in the scheme of the problem you
> bothered about, one release on one distribution isn't that big of an

I didn't know that. Of course that changes my perspective, thanks.

However, in case a part of the discussion about removing the symlink took
place after archlinux already changed it, I guess that was irresponsible as

Ultimately, while I think it was a reckless move, I think it's the right
one in the long term, as arch's behavior makes the most sense to me:
"python" meaning "binary used to start the newest Python interpreter" and
"pythonx" meaning "specific major version to start or use in a hashbang".

> The version of python-defaults in Experimental does have /usr/bin/python2
> that is what's intended to be the bases of the Python system for Jesse.
> Scott K

Awesome, so as long as that "python-defaults" package doesn't cease to be
Jesse's default Python, this bug can be considered fixed?

— Phil

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