Control: severity -1 serious
Control: tags -1 -patch


This bug makes this package completely unusable with the default Ruby
version shipped with Wheezy. It is therefore release critical.
(other packages, like ruby-opengl/libopengl-ruby1.9.1 had bugs of this
kind with similar or higher severity).

The patch attached above allows ruby-fusefs to be loaded without error.
However, I tested it with gitfs and it gives empty directories with
With yamlfs shipped in /usr/share/doc/ruby-fusefs/examples, there are
scrambled files which make fusefs close the connection when one tries to
read them.

Ubuntu has a patch which does not provides better results

In absence of working patch for Ruby 1.9, a possibility would be to
change in debian/control 

- XS-Ruby-Versions: all
+ XS-Ruby-Versions: ruby1.8

and add in the long description that this package will work only with
Ruby 1.8.



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