This morning I had another look at this problem and I noticed something I
missed yesterday.

My spreadsheet contains a line which I use as a kind of template. This
line contains the formula like =Annn in column B and =Ennn-Dnnn in column
F (typo here in original report). In all cases nnn is the number of the
current row.

Whenever I insert a new row into the spreadsheet I copy this template row
into it.

What I missed when writing my original report is that in the template row
and its copy the row number had for mysterious reasons gone bad by ten.
After changing this back to the correct row number the date and the time
difference display correctly.

My apologies for this noise.

However, the problem mentioned in the subject of this report still stands:
Format Friday is no longer available for Category Date in the list
presented by CTRL+1 for a newly created .ods file. It is available in the
older file.



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