On 03/12/2013 09:45 AM, gregor herrmann wrote:

> I'm attaching the output of "git diff" (refreshed path 02_*, minus
> the removed debian/service-wrapper-java.debhelper.log) and a debdiff
> for the "new" release.
> (What's missing is some explanation in d/copyright how and why the
> +ds version is created, I suppose. Oh, and a note in d/changelog that
> debian/patches/02_update_buildtime.patch was refreshed.)

Hi Gregor,

Thank you very much for the analysis, walk-thru, and patch.

One question - why do you think an update to d/copyright is required?
The fixed tarball addresses the ./debian/ being inadvertently included
in the tarball and restores the upstream files that had been deleted, so
I'm not clear on how the copyright really changes.  It seems mostly that
I need to add an extended mea culpa to the d/changelog.

I'm also wondering if I can get away with addressing the open bug about
a bashism in the package (very simple patch), since I believe that was a
release goal (for lenny?).

Thank you,

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