Hi, I see that I have a hard time to understand the "new" multiarch usage/architecture. I searche the web for some information about it, but did not find good descriptions. Previously, the /usr/lib32 contained all 32-bit libs. I think I need a liitle support from you to understand the new multiarch:
Ia32-libs is only a transitional meta package. You shouldn't need that at all. What you need are the 32bit libraries that ADS2012 requires. The simplest would be to simply install an ADS2012 debian package for i386. That does not exist ! Its a proprietary installer using java. If that doesn't exist then you need to install the i386 package for required libraries. You can do that under multiarch by appending ":i386" to the package name. What do you mean with using multiarch ? Is this a special program ? So far I understood, that "multiarch" is just a package containing libraries only ? Can you give me a short example please. Debian does not have a libXm.so.3 at all, only libXm.so.2 and libXm.so.4, which are in lesstif2 and libmotif4 respectively. MfG Goswin That is correct, but so far a symbolic link to the existing libs made it work ! Lets get the problem solved - I will be online !