Le dimanche 27 janvier 2013 à 10:41 +0100, Jeffrey Ratcliffe a écrit :
> On 27 January 2013 09:59,  <debian.vincentlh...@spamgourmet.com> wrote:
> > No, I didn’t had the same problem with libsane-perl.
> > Because of the issue, I stopped using gscan2pdf and used xsane instead.
> > It didn’t had the issue, the first page was included.
> These two answers contradict one another. libsane-perl is one of the
> scanner interfaces used by gscan2pdf. If you didn't have the problem
> with the libsane-perl frontend, why did you need to switch to xsane?

Because using libsane-perl, I had to put the document twice in the
scanner to scan both sides, and I also had to scan pages one by one.
Using xsane, I could scan both sides of 40 sheets for example. Doing the
same with gscan2pdf forced me to rescan the first side of the first
sheet. That made it useless with a scanner with an ADF.

Vincent Lhote

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