Control: tag -1 + moreinfo

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 10:32:19PM +0000, Roger Leigh wrote:
> Please unblock package sysvinit
> The attached debdiff includes a correction to the init script
> dependencies for the three bootclean scripts.  (#677097)

Is this request still relevant for wheezy? -35 has been superceded in
unstable with non-RC changes, so a fix will need to go through tpu now.

Jonathan Wiltshire                            
Debian Developer               

4096R: 0xD3524C51 / 0A55 B7C5 1223 3942 86EC  74C3 5394 479D D352 4C51

<directhex> i have six years of solaris sysadmin experience, from
            8->10. i am well qualified to say it is made from bonghits
                        layered on top of bonghits

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