
On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 02:46:29PM +0100, Anton Gladky wrote:
> thanks for looking into this bug. VCS of coin3d  has a COPYING file, which
> is clearly BSD-license [1]. So this version should be packaged to fix
> the license issue properly. The current version of coin is GPL [2].

This doesn't actually answer Adam's query, which is:

> > What license is the version of coin3d currently in wheezy and linked
> > with the freecad packages in wheezy released under? I didn't see
> > anything obvious on the upstream homepage which indicated that earlier
> > versions had been relicensed; in that case whilst it looks like the
> > issues may well be solved for jessie, it still leaves us with a set of
> > packages in wheezy which we can't distribute.
> >



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