The chances of libgconf being rewritten to use GDBus any time soon seem
slim - and the chances of getting this kind of change into wheezy seems
equally slim. Has anything happened on this bug since the last comment
in November?

Overall, what's the status of this bug?

banshee itself has had numerous changes in experimental, including one
change which appears to be related to this bug:
banshee (2.3.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
 - bgo#659841: GnomeBackend: Be more robust against GConf failures (LP:

and LP: #854845 is titled: Banshee.exe crashes a lot

What are the chances of this patch being isolated from the banshee
sources and introduced as an limited scope patch for unstable which can
then migrate into wheezy?

The git repository linked from the Debian PTS hasn't had any changes
for 7 months.:;a=log
last change     Mon, 4 Jun 2012 18:01:39 +0000


Neil Williams

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