
                 Summary: ca_ES.UTF-8 changes option -nv: inaccurate catalan
                 Project: GNU Wget
            Submitted by: nok
            Submitted on: Mi 02 Jan 2013 10:59:08 CET
                Category: Documentation
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
         Originator Name: 
        Originator Email: 
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: trunk
        Operating System: GNU/Linux
         Reproducibility: Every Time
           Fixed Release: None
         Planned Release: None
              Regression: Yes
           Work Required: None
          Patch Included: Yes




a forwarded bug report: http://bugs.debian.org/697081

Catalan translation for wget incorrectly changes "--no-verbose" for
"--non-verbose" on the help page (displayed with --help).

However, due to the way bash-completion reads its long options, this
means that tab-expanding offers the wrong --non-verbose option, which
seems like only annoys me :-)

I was looking into bash-completion until I realized from where it got
wget options, so reporting it here.

Patch for ca.po attached.

It looks like this:
$ LC_ALL=ca_ES.UTF-8 wget --help|grep "\-nv"
  -nv, --non-verbose          mode no detallat, però tampoc del tot
$ LC_ALL=C wget --help|grep "\-nv"
  -nv, --no-verbose          turn off verboseness, without being quiet.

The patch from Eloi Notario is:

--- ca.po~      2012-12-31 21:56:09.232022158 +0100
+++ ca.po       2012-12-31 21:56:19.316071460 +0100
@@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@
 msgid ""
 "  -nv, --no-verbose          turn off verboseness, without being quiet.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"  -nv, --non-verbose          mode no detallat, però tampoc del tot "
+"  -nv, --no-verbose          mode no detallat, però tampoc del tot "
 #: src/main.c:462


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