
I might consider adopting your project, pending a greater understanding of the 

I have 20+ years professional software development experience in C/C++ for many 
Unix platforms, but recently I have done many things in C#, flash, java, and 

I hate to see ksh languish as it is my shell of choice (in fact, the only one 
I'm willing to use), and I'm particularly sensitive to a bug so catastrophic 
that a simple cd ../<somedir> would fail. This is indicative of an absence of 
attention to the project that borders on near abandonment. I haven't worked on 
official open source projects before, so I'm unfamiliar with the concept of an 
"upstream" issue. I would ask what exactly (or who exactly) can introduce 
upstream issues, and what is the hierarchy of upstream vs. downstream with 
regards to making/adopting/publishing changes to the package. In other words, 
who has absolute control, and at whose mercy am I if I undertake this project? 
Who is the true owner, and where would I fit in?

Please contact me at wc -- at -- johndawson -- dot -- org (making the 
appropriate substitutions) to discuss the specifics outlined above.

John Dawson

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